火拼油尖区无敌反斗星纳尼亚传奇2:凯斯宾王子国语特种神枪手罗宾汉(普通话)卡门归乡摇滚艾迪街头传奇惠伦森·努涅斯:成人罗珊娜的坟墓长相思1947幸运之约欲望绿洲尽管如此 千辉同学也太甜了爱,断了线(粤语)邻人X可疑的她红线哥斯拉之机械哥斯拉的反击穿越白色空间 Beyond White Space揭秘星际迷航黑科技鬼计粤语恶果之家棺材石吵闹鬼死寂亡灵阳光和混凝土狂野三千响大急救热搜南方悬案
A romantic and funny love story with a tragic end. In Paris a young Hungarian artist (Monpti) and a girl (Anne-Claire) meet and fall in love. But just when she is prepared to give herself to him she finds a pair of lady's pants in his room. He is perfectly innocent but the reason why the pants are there is as humouristic as incredible. So when he tells the truth she gets very angry though she was prepared to "forgive" his "side step". Another pattern is much more serious. Anne-Claire fears that Monpti would have no interest in her if she told that she is a nobody. So she builds up a story of being a rich girl with a private chauffeur. She even takes Monpti to a family church funeral and points out all her relatives, even telling which ones are not on speaking terms. When he finally exposes her lies a violent explosion results. She runs away in despair and is overrun by a car. At the hospital their love returns. But she will die after a few days. - In the background of many scenes we have seen the couple who overrun Anne-Claire, and their shallow emotions were recurrently contrasted with the genuine love of the young couple.
通盛影院(www.muzhiyuan.com.cn)为您提供的《蒙普迪(普通话版)》 HD、BD、720p,1080p,1280p免费高清在线观看地址,以及相关的剧情简介、演员、导演、幕后花絮、剧照、海报等信息均由互联网上面收集整理而来,以及《蒙普迪(普通话版)》的观后评论等内容。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解
丢豆网网友:一个好的导演,是会调教演员的,知道演员的优势在哪里。 《蒙普迪(普通话版)》像极了一道来自异域的夏日甜品,虽然不是主菜的配置,但却也有着勾人的独特风情。坦白说,最初的确是冲着赫尔穆特·科伊特纳导演的名号看的,毕竟人家讲故事的功力摆在那里,但一开始就入了坑也是我怎么都没料到的。
豆瓣网网友:放在豆瓣语境下,是部时至今日终于拍出来的德国 “高分爱情片”。拿现实题材拍商业类型片,社会意义摆在那,群戏也处理得相当不错。对我们国家而言,这样的电影多一部是一部,走一步是一步。
本文链接:如果喜欢这部影片《蒙普迪(普通话版)》 在线观看,转载:http://www.muzhiyuan.com.cn/detail-56356.html请保留本文链接。