生化危机:终章国语反恐行动独立日最强铁血奶爸高丽人本能人海孤雄两个刁蛮女三气萧月白粤语神奇的飞跃周绝世宝贝(粤语版)方托马斯1964建群囧事雪地里的情人倩女幽魂2人间道(粤语版)今夜在浪漫剧场(普通话版)露水红颜淘女郎之青春对决这个男人来自地球玛雅2020新·奥特曼 (普通话版)新生化危机不期而遇 2018猛鬼街5:猛鬼怪胎国语炼狱车站夺命直播 普通话养鬼吃人8:地狱世界女人是恶魔血色孤语温柔杀戮2012以寡敌众非法入侵2011告密者2010
Barry Shear导演执导的《狂野街头》,1968年上映,Barry Shear执导,由谢利·温特斯,克里斯托弗·琼斯,黛安·瓦西,米莉·佩金斯等主演的狂野街头在美国发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,狂野街头手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。一部不错的英语恐怖片。
Deserves recognition as an interesting misunderstanding of the hallucination generation, 20 January 2007 Author TimothyFarrell from Worcester, MA Wild in the Streets comes from the same school of film making that spawned other attempts to connect to the counterculture such as Skidoo and Candy. The difference between this and the aforementioned films is that Wild in the Streets is reasonably clever and well-made. It isn't sympathetic to the counterculture and will likely offend those with fond memories of the time. Surprisingly, it was a big hit when released and appealed to the youth whom it ridiculed so much. Unlike The Trip and Psych-Out (two other AIP films), its not an accurate representation of the movement at all. However it does work as social satire. The direction by Barry Shear is good and makes innovative use of split screen photography. Plus, he keeps everything moving at a quick pace. In its funny moments, the film works well. In its attempts at drama, its helplessly dated and just as funny as the humorous moments. Christopher Jones underplays his role and Shelly Winters overacts. Hal Holbrook offers the best performance and Diane Varsi achieves the right note of grooviness. The script by Robert Thom has its moments, especially the ending (easily the most ingenious part of the film). Wild in the Streets isn't perfect, but deserves recognition as an interesting misunderstanding of the hallucination generation. Those into this kind of kitsch will enjoy it the most. I'd rather watch The Trip or Psych-Out however. (610) -from imdb
通盛影院(www.muzhiyuan.com.cn)为您提供的《狂野街头》 HD、BD、720p,1080p,1280p免费高清在线观看地址,以及相关的剧情简介、演员、导演、幕后花絮、剧照、海报等信息均由互联网上面收集整理而来,以及《狂野街头》的观后评论等内容。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解
丢豆网网友:一个好的导演,是会调教演员的,知道演员的优势在哪里。 《狂野街头》像极了一道来自异域的夏日甜品,虽然不是主菜的配置,但却也有着勾人的独特风情。坦白说,最初的确是冲着Barry Shear导演的名号看的,毕竟人家讲故事的功力摆在那里,但一开始就入了坑也是我怎么都没料到的。
豆瓣网网友:放在豆瓣语境下,是部时至今日终于拍出来的美国 “高分恐怖片”。拿现实题材拍商业类型片,社会意义摆在那,群戏也处理得相当不错。对我们国家而言,这样的电影多一部是一部,走一步是一步。
本文链接:如果喜欢这部影片《狂野街头》 在线观看,转载:http://www.muzhiyuan.com.cn/detail-129115.html请保留本文链接。